Special article

REMOTE - On the air from anywhere

Eva Thiemann, HB9FPM

I'm very happy to introduce you Rob, VE3PCP.

I’m Eva, HB9FPM

He's a founder of an International YL and Youth Remote group and Advance Amateur Radio operator. He always has good ideas together with Raisa, VO1BIG how to be on the air.


The Inverhuron Ham Radio Club, VE3IHG was founded in January 2018 by Rob Noakes, Advance Radio Amateur VE3PCP and his family in Inverhuron, On. The club is a youth oriented club that promotes the fun side of Amateur Radio through many activities both in Public and in Private throughout each year.

Yearly activities include ARRL Filed Day, International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend, and Jamboree on the Air with both Girl Guides and Scouts plus other community engagement activities.

Rob has held his Canadian Advanced Qualifications since 1986. He is also an accredited examiner for Canadian Amateur Radio Qualifications.


We are a group of International YL and Youth from many different countries operate through our remote station. We usually operate VE3IHR with our club call sign VA3YLR. QTH of our remote station is in Tiverton, Ontario on the shores of Lake Huron, Grid Square EN94EG, in Canada.

VE3IHR shack

Rob VE3PCP is present and supervising the station as the control operator providing technical support and logging but the ladies and youth will be making all the contacts. We use RemoteHams Software and control and band limits set for antenna capability. Set up for phone and CW.

We operate our remote station in accordance with Canadian Radio Communication Regulation SOR-96-484 Section 46(1).

As part of our on-air operations, we livestream to our VE3PCP YouTube Channel. It’s a great chance for all of us to work with stations Canada and the USA.

Typically we use a spreadsheet to set up blocks of time for operators to pick when the can be available. People can follow our livestream to see what band and frequency we are on and also hear their QSO with us at any time after we are done.

The station is a Kenwood TS-850 connected to an 8-band modified Hustler vertical antenna giving excellent performance across all 8 bands in the phone and CW portions. 80M is limited band width to phone only.

Vertical antenna

We do have a small 300W amplifier in line that we can use as well as a 3 element tri-band Yagi for 10M through 20M and a full size 80M NVIS(Near vertical incidence skywave) Dipole antenna. The station is equipped with a remote power shut off system.

3 element tri-band Yagi

The vertical is our main antenna that is connected all the time and it operates on 10M, 12M, 15M, 17M, 20M, 30M, 40M and 80M.

Usually once Raisa, VO1BIG starts calling CQ, she gets many stations wanting to work her and the other YLs. We have a lot of fun.

We're waiting for upcoming potential on-air activities like ARRL Field Day and celebrating coronation of King Charles III and birthday of Queen Victoria on May 24th weekend. Using a special call sign CJ3YLR between May 5 and July 2, 2023.

CJ3YLR, YL and Youth Remote

I had a chance to participate the YLRL(Young Ladies Radio League) YL-OM contest on February 19, 2023. It was my first time solo on remote station. Much to my great surprise, that I was awarded a 1st place trophy.

YL-OM contest 1st place trophy

VE3IHR Remote Club Members
YL Operators:
VA3KGZ Alicia, Kincardine, Canada
R1BIG/VO1BIG Raisa, St. Petersburg, Russia
R3TM Maria, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
HB9EPE Dora, Chur, Switzerland
HB9FPM Eva, Muri AG, Switzerland
DK3YB Biggi, Berlin, Germany
DL9YJ Yvette, Frankfurt, Germany
YU3AWA Marija, Sombor Serbia
YV4AW Carolina, Valencia, Venezuela

Youth Operators:
VA3AQZ Justin, Inverhuron Ham Radio Club, Canada
YU3ABC Milos, Radio Club Nikola Tesla Sombor
YU3ARP Mahailo, Radio Club Nikola Tesla Sombor
YT3AWR Veljko, Radio Club Nikola Tesla Sombor

VE3IHR Remote Club Members QTH

Thank you Rob for promoting remote ham radio and giving us the change to be on the air.

Looking forward to more REMOTE projects in the future.

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