D-STAR QSO PARTY 2013の当選者コメント
9月20~22日 (UTC)に世界を対象に開催されたD-STAR QSO PARTY 2013 (主催 Icom America / Icom Europe)の賞品当選者が発表された。当選者の数名から寄せていただいた、D-STARに対するコメントを原文のまま紹介する。
JE9LMZ 岩嵜さん
今回のD-STAR QSO PARTY 2013での入賞(WINNER)をたいへん喜んでいる。昨年度も挑戦したが、海外QSOを増やせず、非常に悔しい思いをした。そのときから、リベンジを決めていた。
YC0WID Widyatiさん
For the D-STAR QSO Party 2013.
The D-STAR QSO party is not like the racing in most hamradio contest but it is an enjoyable QSO with our ham radio friends around the world. I really enjoyed working D-STAR with my small handheld Icom IC-92AD. For me, D-STAR is making our communication more
easier and fun. There are many peoples including me are new into the D-STAR but we felt closed thought the D-STAR.
KE5XV Bill Pellerinさん
This is my second year participating in the D-STAR QSO party, and I had a great time. It is amazing to me that with my little ID-51 radio, and the appropriate D-STAR infrastructure, that I can establish contact with other radio amateurs around the world. It's an exciting experience.
At other times, I use D-STAR to check in to regional D-STAR nets and nets in other parts of the country by connecting to various reflectors and repeaters. My local repeater is normally linked to a reflector allowing me to establish contact with amateurs in the region at any time.
Best of all, D-STAR is fun. Best 73's
VU2RBI Bharathiさん
Whenever I organize hamradio demonstration I always give demo on dstar communications. I like this dstar communication because there is no interference and very easy to talk to radio hams. It is easy to show the demo for newcomers recently. I have trained 200 people on hamradio, most of them got the licenses. I am really interested to promote dstar in India. Thank you so much.
VK5ZEA Michaelさん
I have enjoyed D-STAR immensely since purchasing and installing a 70cm Icom D-STAR repeater in 2008. This was at the time when Icom Australia and the Wireless Institute of Australia was busy installing Icom D-STAR repeaters in capital cities around Australia. I did not want to be left out of this communications revolution so I decided to install a repeater. I had a lot of financial help from other hams, and Icom Australia were kind enough to provide me special pricing on the Icom D-STAR repeater hardware.
Since becoming active on D-STAR I have made hundreds of friends around the world. I check into many many D-STAR nets each week, most in the USA. I am fortunate that my employer allows me to use D-STAR while at work (as long as it does not interfere with my work) and also very fortunate that he has allowed me to install my Icom D-STAR repeater at his communications facility near Port Lincoln... for free!
I am encouraged to hear new hams using D-STAR every week when checking into the D-STAR nets around the world. I try to be as helpful as I can with those new to D-STAR... both operators and those wishing to install D-STAR repeaters.
73 and many thanks for D-STAR. I look forward to the next D-STAR QSO Party.