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Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~

第9回 ハムライフについて話そう。日本を紹介しよう



GHow about the seasons of Japan?

MThere are four distinct seasons in Japan.
January and February are the coldest months.

GHow about the climate in Japan today?

EThough it’s now February, it’s warm like early spring.

GHow about spring in Japan?

AIt’s cherry blossom season in Japan.
We enjoy eating and drinking with friends or co-workers under cherry trees and viewing the cherry blossoms.


・Japan was so cold this winter.<この冬、日本はとても寒かったです>
・I can’t wait for spring.<春が待ち遠しいです>
・We are having a mild winter.この冬は暖かいです>
・Winter in Hokkaido is severe. <北海道の冬は厳しいです>
・We have a lot of snow in winter.<冬は雪が多く降ります>

・The cherry blossom season is just around the corner.<もうすぐ桜の季節です>
・Cherry blossoms bloom between late March and early April in Tokyo. <桜は、東京では3月末から4月に咲きます>
・I can see a lot of cherry blossoms in full bloom in my neighborhood. <近所で満開の桜を見ることができます>
・Japan is about to go into the nicest season. これから日本は一番過ごしやすい季節を迎えます>

■Rainy season
・The rainy season has set in. <梅雨に入りました>
・The rainy season is over. <梅雨が明けました>
・The rainy season in Japan starts in June. <日本では梅雨は6月からです>
・The rainy season is over in Japan, and now it is very hot and humid every day.<梅雨が終わり、日本は毎日、蒸し暑いです>

・It’s summer in Australia, isn’t it. <オーストラリアは夏ですね>
・The schools in Japan are out for summer vacation. <日本の学校は夏休みです>
・It’s very hot in Japan today.<今、日本は夏で非常に暑いです>
・It seems to be cold this summer.<今年は冷夏になりそうです>
・Summer in Japan is very humid.<日本の夏は非常に蒸し暑いです>
・There are a lot of firework displays in Japan during the summer.<日本の夏は、多くの花火大会があります>

・Now, Japan is changing from summer to autumn(fall).<今、日本は夏から秋に移り変わっています>
・The autumn leaves are beautiful. <秋は紅葉が美しいです>
・Winter will be here before long. <まもなく冬です>
・It’s nice during this season in Japan. <日本はこの季節、過ごしやすいです>
・Several typhoons strike Japan in autumn. <秋はいくつかの台風が日本に上陸します>

先生によると、アメリカはfall、ヨーロッパはautumn。しかし、アメリカでも紅葉はautumn leavesなんだそうです。

Training Time


・Key word/1. Cherry blossoms 2. April 3. Nice

<解答例 >
It’s nice during this season in Japan. Cherry blossoms come out between late March and April in Osaka. We enjoy eating and drinking under the cherry trees and viewing cherry blossoms.


・Key word/1.August  2.Hottest  3.Fireworks displays

MAugust is the hottest month in Japan. There are a lot of fireworks displays during the summer.



・Key word/1.Autumn leaves  2.Nice  3.Typhoon

EIn autumn in Japan, you can see a lot of beautiful autumn leaves. The temperature is nice and cool. But a lot of typhoons strike Japan, and floods occur.


・Key word/1.February  2.School  3.Spring

AFebruary is the coldest month in Japan. But it’s good for running in winter. So, marathon races are held at most schools (almost all schools, most of the schools). I can’t wait for spring.



GIn February, I am always thinking of spring.




Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~ バックナンバー


次号は 12月 1日(木) に公開予定


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