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Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~

第11回 総復習編

先生役はアマチュア無線歴35年超のJO3SLK(N7HSL)Gregさん。生徒は、英語は大の苦手というシンガーソングライターのMasacoさん、最近英会話教室に通いはじめたものの、まだバイリンガルには程遠いFB Girlsのあーちゃん。そして留学経験もあり英語が得意のエリーは生徒とアシスタントを務めます。

最初の3ヶ月(2017年6月~8月)は、簡単なQSOができるレベルを目指す基礎編、次の9ヶ月(9月~2018年5月)は会話の幅を広げる応用編です。Greg先生、Masacoさん、あーちゃん、エリーと一緒に楽しく英語を学び、英語での海外DX QSOに挑戦しましょう。


Erii(以下 E)Is this frequency in use? JP3JZK.

Is this frequency in use? JP3JZK.

CQ, CQ, CQ, this is JP3JZK. J-P-3-J-Z-K calling CQ and standing by.

Greg(以下 G)JP3JZK, this is JO3SLK. J-O-3-S-L-K calling you.

EJO3SLK, this is JP3JZK.
Thank you for coming back to my call.
My name is Erii. E-R-I-I.
My QTH is Kobe. K-O-B-E.
And your signal is 59. So back to you.
JO3SLK, this is JP3JZK, go ahead.

GOK, JP3JZK, this is JO3SLK. Hi, Erii.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
My QTH is Osaka. O-S-A-K-A.
Your signal is 57.
JP3JZK, this is JO3SLK. Go ahead.

EJO3SLK, this is JP3JZK. Thank you for the 57 signal report.
Your signal is 59. You have a strong signal here into Kobe.
I’m using an IC-7610. The antenna is a ground plane about 15 meters above the ground.
JO3SLK, this is JP3JZK, go ahead.

GOK, JP3JZK, this is JO3SLK. Thanks for the 59 report, Erii.
I’m using an IC-7851 and a two element, dual band Yagi up about 14 meters above the ground.
JP3JZK, this is JO3SLK, go ahead.

EThank you for the information about your rig and antenna, Greg san.
Thank you for the nice QSO today. See you again.
JO3SLK, this is JP3JZK. 73, sayonara.

GJP3JZK, this is JO3SLK. Thank you also for the nice QSO, Erii.
I was glad to talk to you, even for a short time.
I hope to see you again. 88 and sayonara.



GCQ, CQ, CQ, this is JO3SLK. J-O-3-S-L-K, calling CQ and listening.

Masaco(以下 M)JO3SLK, this is JH1CBX J-H-1-C-B-X, calling you.

GJH1CBX this is JO3SLK.Thank you for calling back.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
My QTH is Osaka. O-S-A-K-A.
Your signal is 57.
JH1CBX, this is JO3SLK, go ahead.

MJO3SLK, this is JH1CBX. Thank you for the 57 signal report, Greg san.
Your signal is 59.
My name is Masaco. M-A-S-A-C-O.
My QTH is Tokyo. T-O-K-Y-O.
So, back to you. JO3SLK, this is JH1CBX, go ahead.

GThank you for the 59 signal report, Masaco san.
I’m using an IC-7851 and a two element, dual band Yagi up about 14 meters above the ground, go ahead.

MThank you for the information about your rig and antenna, Greg san.
I’m using an IC-7300. The antenna is a dipole antenna about 22 meters above the ground.
Thank you for the nice QSO today.
See you again, Greg san. JO3SLK, this is JH1CBX. 73, sayonara.

GJH1CBX, this is JO3SLK. Thank you also for the nice QSO, Masaco san.
I was glad to talk to you, even for a short time.
I hope to see you again. 88 and sayonara.

The antenna、the informationの「The」の発音を間違った以外はOKでした


A-chan(以下 A)Is this frequency in use? JP3KGT.

Is this frequency in use? JP3KGT.

CQ DX, CQ DX, CQ DX, this is JP3KGT. J-P-3- K-G-T calling CQ DX and standing by.

GJP3KGT, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L, calling you.

AN7HSL this is JP3KGT. Thank you for coming back to my call.
My name is Akari, A-K-A-R-I.
My QTH is Osaka in Japan. O-S-A-K-A.
Your signal is 59.
N7HSL, this is JP3KGT, go ahead.

GJP3KGT, Akari san in Osaka . This is N7HSL.
OK, very good.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
My QTH is Seattle Washington. S-E-A-T-T-L-E.
Your signal is 57 with a little QRM.
So, back to you, go ahead.

AN7HSL this is JP3KGT. Thank you for the 57 signal report, Greg san.
I’m using an IC-7100 and a dipole antenna about 18 meters above the ground.

N7HSL, this is JP3KGT, go ahead.

GThank you for the information about your rig and antenna.
I’m using an IC-7851 and a two element, dual band Yagi up about 14 meters above the ground, go ahead.

AThank you for the information about your rig and antenna.
And thank you for the nice QSO today. See you again, Greg san.
N7HSL, this is JP3KGT. 73, sayonara.

GThank you also for the nice QSO, Akari san. I was glad to talk to you, even for a short time. I hope to see you again. 88 and sayonara.



Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~ バックナンバー


次号は 12月 1日(木) に公開予定


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