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Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~

第8回 QTH(ロケーション)を詳しく伝えよう、我が町を紹介しよう

先生役はアマチュア無線歴35年超のJO3SLK(N7HSL)Gregさん。生徒は、英語は大の苦手というシンガーソングライターのMasacoさん、最近英会話教室に通いはじめたものの、まだバイリンガルには程遠いFB Girlsのあーちゃん。そして留学経験もあり英語が得意のエリーは生徒とアシスタントを務めます。

最初の3ヶ月(2017年6月~8月)は、簡単なQSOができるレベルを目指す基礎編、次の9ヶ月(9月~2018年5月)は会話の幅を広げる応用編です。Greg先生、Masacoさん、あーちゃん、エリーと一緒に楽しく英語を学び、英語での海外DX QSOに挑戦しましょう。




ECQ, CQ, CQ, this is JP3JZK. J-P-3-J-Z-K calling CQ and standing by.

GJP3JZK, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L calling you.

EN7HSL, this is JP3JZK.
Thank you for coming back to my call.
My name is Erii. E-R-I-I.
My QTH is Kobe which is 30 kilometers to the west of Osaka. 
Your signal is five nine. So back to you.
N7HSL, this is JP3JZK, go ahead.

GJP3JZK, this is N7HSL. Hi, Erii.
My name is Greg. G-r-e-g.
My QTH is Seattle Washington which is in the northwestern part of the U.S.
The west coast faces the Pacific Ocean, and to the north is the border with Canada.
JP3JZK, this is N7HSL, go ahead.

EN7HSL, this is JP3JZK.
Kobe and Seattle are sister cities.


MCQ, CQ, CQ, this is JH1CBX. J-H-1-C-B-X calling CQ and standing by.
GJH1CBX, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L calling you.
MN7HSL, this is JH1CBX.
Thank you for coming back to my call.
My name is Masaco. M-a-s-a-c-o
My QTH is Chofu City which is in the western part of Tokyo.
Your signal is five nine. So back to you.
N7HSL, this is JH1CBX, go ahead.

GJH1CBX, this is N7HSL. Hi, Masaco san.
My name is Greg. G-r-e-g.
My QTH is Seattle Washington which is in the northwestern part of the U.S.
The west side faces the Pacific Ocean, and to the north is the border with Canada.
JH1CBX, this is N7HSL, go ahead.



CQ, CQ, CQ, this is JP3KGT. J-P-3-K-G-T calling CQ and standing by.
GJP3KGT, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L calling you.
あ:N7HSL, this is JP3KGT.
Thank you for coming back to my call.
My name is Akari. A-k-a-r-i
My QTH is Osaka. 
So, back to you, go ahead.

GJP3KGT, this is N7HSL. Hi, Akari san.
My name is Greg. G-r-e-g.
My QTH is Seattle Washington which is in the northwestern part of the U.S.
The west side faces the Pacific Ocean, and to the north is the border with Canada.
By the way, how far is it from Osaka to Tokyo?
JP3KGT, this is N7HSL, go ahead.

Osaka is about 400 air kilometers from Tokyo.
It takes two hours and thirty minutes to travel between Tokyo and Osaka by Shinkansen train.


※400 air kilometersは直線距離のこと。400 kilometers as the crow flies.と言うこともあります。ちなみに、crowはカラスのことです。



・Hokkaido is located in the extreme northern part of Japan. <北海道は日本の最北にあります>

・Okayama is located in western Japan. <岡山は日本の西にあります>

・Yokohama is around 30 kilometers south of Tokyo, and is located in Kanagawa Prefecture. <横浜は東京から約30km南、神奈川県にあります>

・Kagawa Prefecture is located in the northeastern part of Shikoku, and its capital is Takamatsu City. <香川県は四国の北東に位置し、県庁所在地は高松です>

・Fukuoka is located in the northern part of Kyushu in southwestern Japan.<福岡県は日本の南西、九州の北にあります>

・Nagoya is the capital city of Aichi Prefecture and is located between Tokyo and Osaka. <名古屋は愛知県の県庁所在地で、東京と大阪の間に位置しています>

・Aki-gun is located about 5 kilometers to the north of the center of Hiroshima. <安芸郡は広島の中心部から北へ約5kmのところにあります>

Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~ バックナンバー


次号は 12月 1日(木) に公開予定


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