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Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~

第5回 様々な挨拶とお天気に関する英語を学ぼう







MCQ DX, CQ DX, CQ DX. This is JH1CBX. Juliet Hotel One Charlie Bravo X-ray calling CQ DX and standing by.

GJH1CBX, this is N7HSL. November Seven Hotel Sierra Lima calling you.

MN7HSL, good afternoon, Greg san.
Thank you for coming back.
I’m glad to hear you after a long time.
Your signal is five nine.
You’re coming in very strong as usual.
OK, back to you, Greg.

GJH1CBX, this is N7HSL.
Good afternoon, Masaco san. How are you? Long time no hear.
Your signal is five seven to five nine.
There are many DX stations coming through now. Conditions seem to be very good. (or Conditions seem to be getting better.)
Go ahead.



・Good morning. <おはようございます>
・Good afternoon. <こんにちは>
・Good evening. <こんばんは>

(2)greetings 2
・I’m glad to meet you for the first time. <初めてお会いできて嬉しいです>
・I’m glad to meet you for the second time.<再びお会いできて嬉しいです>
・I’m glad to hear you after a long time. <久しぶりにお会いできて嬉しいです>

(3)signal report and band condition
・You’re 20dB over 9. (or S9 plus 20dB.) <あなたの信号は59プラス20dBです>
・Your signal is not so strong, but I can copy 100%. <信号はあまり強くありませんが、100%コピーできます>
・Your audio is good. <素晴らしい変調音です>
・You are coming in like a local station. <まるでローカル局のように強力に入感しています>
・You are coming in very strong as usual. <いつものように強力に入感しています>
・There is a little QRM. <少し混信があります>
・There is heavy QRM, so it’s hard to copy well.<混信がひどく、了解するのが難しいです>
・Conditions seem to be unstable. <コンディションは不安定のようです>
・There are many DX stations coming through now. Conditions seem to be very good. (…Conditions seem to be getting better.)

グレッグ先生によると、上記では「You are」ですが短縮形「You’re」の方が自然なんだそうです。また同じ理由で「There is」より「There’s」の方がナチュラルということです。ちょっと発音が難しいかも知れませんが、できれば短縮形を使うようにしましょう。





CQ DX, CQ DX, CQ DX this is JP3KGT. Juliet Papa Three Kilo Golf Tango calling CQ DX and standing by.

G:JP3KGT, this is N7HSL. November Seven Hotel Sierra Lima.

N7HSL, this is JP3KGT.
Thinks about the answer (1)
Thank you for coming back to my call.
Thinks about the answer (2)
My name is Akari. Alfa Kilo Alfa Romeo India.
My QTH is Osaka, and your signal is five nine.
Thinks about the answer (3)
So, back to you, go ahead.

GJP3KGT, good morning, Akari san.
It’s nice to meet you for the first time.
My name is Greg. Golf Romeo Echo Golf.
My QTH is Seattle Washington.

Your signal is four seven.
There’s heavy QRM, so it’s hard to copy well.
Back to you, go ahead.

Answer (1) Good morning.
Answer (2)  I’m glad to meet you for the first time.
Answer (3)  There’s (There is) a little QRM.


MCQ DX CQ DX CQ DX this is JH1CBX. Juliet Hotel One Charlie Bravo X-ray calling CQ DX and standing by.

GJH1CBX, this is N7HSL. November Seven Hotel Sierra Lima.

MN7HSL, this is JH1CBX.            
Thinks about the answer (1)
Thank you for coming back to my call.
Thinks about the answer (2)
Thinks about the answer (3)
So, back to you, go ahead.

GJH1CBX, good afternoon, Masaco san.
I’m glad to hear you after a long time.
Thank you for the nice signal report.
Your signal is four seven to five seven.

There is a little QRM.
Go ahead.

The answer (1) Good afternoon.
The answer (2) I’m glad to hear you after a long time.
The answer (3) Your signal is five three and is not so strong. But I can copy 100%. 

きっちりと予習していないと難しい課題だったのか、テキストを見ながらも悪戦苦闘。特に信号は53で強くないが、100%了解できます、が言えるまで、かなり時間がかかってしまったMasacoさん。あーちゃんに「最後So, back to you, go ahead.だけ、すごく元気~ぃ!」と突っ込まれていました。


MCQ CQ CQ this is JH1CBX. Juliet Hotel One Charlie Bravo X-ray calling CQ and standing by.

JH1CBX, this is JP3KGT. Juliet Papa Three Kilo Golf Tango, go ahead.

Thinks about the answer (1)
Thank you for the call back.
Thinks about the answer (2)
Your signal is 59.
You’re coming in very strong like a local station.
So back to you. Go ahead.

Thinks about the answer (3)
Thinks about the answer (4)
Your signal is 57 to 59 with a little QRM.
So back to you. Go ahead.

The answer (1) Good evening, Akari san.
The answer (2)  I’m glad to hear you again.
or This is our second contact(or QSO).
or I’m glad to meet you for the second time.
The answer (3) Good evening, Masaco san.
The answer (4) I’m glad to hear you again.

2回目以降の交信の場合、名前を覚えていれば、できるだけ挨拶や会話の中に入れていきましょう。なお、街などで実際に会った場合は This is the second time we’ve met.となります。


Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~ バックナンバー


次号は 12月 1日(木) に公開予定


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