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Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~

第11回 総復習編

Training Time



・Time: Morning
・Signal: 59
・QTH: Osaka
・Club name: FB Girls Radio Club
・Operator: Erii
・Rig: IC-7300M<50W>
・Antenna: Dipole 12 meters high
・Weather: Rain
Temperature: 15℃
・Situation: Time to go to work

EIs this frequency in use? JL3ZGL.

Is this frequency in use? JL3ZGL.

CQ, CQ, CQ, this is JL3ZGL. J-L-3 Z- G-L calling CQ and listening.

GJL3ZGL, this is W6/JO3SLK. W-6-/-J-O-3-S-L-K calling you.

EW6/JO3SLK this is JL3ZGL.
Thank you for coming back to my call. Good morning.
Your signal is 59, go ahead.

GJL3ZGL, this is W6/JO3SLK. Good morning to you, too.
I’m in San Francisco operating portable W6. Your signal is 55 with some QRM.
Again, my QTH is San Francisco.
My home QTH is in Kawanishi City.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
I’m running an IC-7300M putting out 50 watts. And a whip antenna is on my rental car.
JL3ZGL, this is W6/JO3SLK go ahead.

EW6/JO3SLK this is JL3ZGL.
My QTH is Osaka in Japan. O-S-A-K-A.
This is a club station called the FB Girls Radio Club.
The operator is Erii. E-R-I-I.
I’m using an IC-7300M putting out 50 watts.
And I’m using a dipole antenna up about 12 meters above the ground.
It’s raining in Osaka.
The temperature is 15 degrees C.
So, back to you, go ahead.

GJL3ZGL operator Erii san, this is W6/JO3SLK.
Thank you for the information.
It’s actually raining here in San Francisco, too.
By the way, I know about the FB Girls Radio club.
It’s a famous club in Osaka, correct?
Are you a member there? Go ahead.

EW6/JO3SLK this is JL3ZGL. Yes, that’s right.
Thank you for reading each month.
I hope you keep reading our web magazine.
I’ll say 73, because I have to go to work
Thank you for the nice QSO today.
W6/JO3SLK, this is JL3ZGL. 73, sayonara.

GOK, Erii san JL3ZGL, this is W6/JO3SLK.
I understand you have to go to work soon.
Take care and have a nice day.
And I hope to see you again. 88 and sayonara.


・Time: Afternoon
・QTH: Osaka
・Club name: FB Girls Radio Club
・Operator: Masaco
・Rig:: IC-7610M<50W>
・Antenna: Ground plane 6 meters high
・Weather: Snow
Temperature: -5℃

GCQ DX, CQ DX, CQ DX, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L, calling CQ DX and standing by.

MN7HSL this is JL3ZGL. J-L-3 Z- G-L calling you.

GJL3ZGL, this is N7HSL. Good afternoon.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
And my QTH is Seattle Washington. S-E-A-T-T-L-E.
Back to you. JL3ZGL, this is N7HSL.

MN7HSL this is JL3ZGL. Good afternoon, Greg san.
I’m glad to meet you for the first time.
This is a club station.
The name is the FB Girls Radio Club.
The operator is Masaco. M-A-S-A-C-O.
My personal call sign is JH1CBX.
Our QTH is Osaka. O-S-A-K-A.
N7HSL this is JL3ZGL. Go ahead.

GJL3ZGL, this is N7HSL. Good evening from Seattle Washington.
I’m using an IC-756II running 1 kilowatt into a five element Yagi up about 30 meters high.
It’s nice to talk, Masaco san.
Could you tell me your club name again?
JL3ZGL, this is N7HSL. Go ahead.

MN7HSL Greg san, this is JL3ZGL.
The name is the FB Girls Radio Club.
I’m using an IC-7610M, putting out 50 watts. The antenna is a ground plane about 6 meters above the ground.
By the way, it has been snowing since yesterday in Osaka.
N7HSL this is JL3ZGL. Go ahead.

GJL3ZGL, this is N7HSL.
It’s being snowing here also for about 1 week.
We have about 1 meter of snow on the ground.
It’s still about 2 degrees below zero F.
I hope you to stay warm and enjoy some hot drinks.
JL3ZGL, this is N7HSL. Go ahead.

MN7HSL Greg san, this is JL3ZGL.
Thank you for the nice QSO today.
See you again in the near feature. 73, sayonara.

GJL3ZGL, this is N7HSL. Sayonara.



・Time: Evening
・Signal: 57, a little QRM
・QTH: Fukuoka
・QRA: Akari
・Rig: IC-7100<50W
・Antenna: two element dual band Yagi, 18 meter high
・Weather: Fine
・Temperature: 28

AIs this frequency in use? JP3KGT.

Is this frequency in use? JP3KGT.

CQ DX, CQ DX, CQ DX, this is JP3KGT. J-P-3-K-G-T, calling CQ and standing by.

GJP4???, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L, calling you.

AN7HSL. this is JP3KGT. J-P-3-K-G-T, J-P-3-K-G-T. Go ahead.

GJP3KGT, this is N7HSL.
I’m sorry for mistaking your call sign.
Good evening.
I’m glad to hear you calling DX.
What is your location? Go ahead.

AN7HSL, this is JP3KGT. Good evening.
My name is Akari, A-K-A-R-I.
Our QTH is Fukuoka. F-U-K-U-O-K-A.
Fukuoka is located in the northern part of Kyushu in south western Japan.
Your signal is 57 with a little QRM.
So back to you, go ahead.

GJP3KGT Akari san, this is N7HSL.
Ah, Fukuoka. I have been to Fukuoka before.
I also went to some onsens in Oita.
I’m running an IC-780. It’s an older radio, but it works really well.
And I have an amplifier running about 500 watts into a long wire dipole antenna about 13 meters in the air.
So, back to you. JP3KGT, this is N7HSL.

AN7HSL, this is JP3KGT. You have a very nice radio.
I’m using anIC-7100M, putting out 50 watts. The antenna is a two element dual band Yagi up about 18 meters above the ground.
The temperature in Fukuoka is 28 degrees C.
The weather is fine and I feel refreshed.
How is the weather over there? Go ahead.

GJP3KGT Akari san, this is N7HSL.
IC-7100 is an excellent radio, too.
Your signal is about 57.
That’s a really good for only 50 watts.
The weather here, it has been drizzling for about two days.
So, the weather is kind of miserable.
The temperature is about 41 degrees F.
It’s been kind of miserable anyway.
JP3KGT, this is N7HSL, go ahead.

AN7HSL. this is JP3KGT.  Miserable weather? That’s too bad.
Oh sorry, I’m getting a little tired. I’m going to take a break for a while.
Thank you for the nice QSO today. See you again.
N7HSL, this is JP3KGT. 73, sayonara.

GJP3KGT, this is N7HSL.
Akari san, I’m sorry to make you tired.
Take a nice break.
See you later down the log.
88 and bye bye.

Drizzling/細かい雨、Miserable weather/気のめいるような天気など、聞いたことがない表現が出て来て慌てたあーちゃんですが、うまくスルーして、最後まで辿り着きました。



I’ll say 73, because I have to go to work very soon.
I’ll say 73, because it’s time for me to have lunch.
I'll say 73 because I’d like to contact with many stations.




Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~ バックナンバー


次号は 12月 1日(木) に公開予定


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