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Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~

第11回 総復習編


GCQ, CQ, CQ, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L, calling CQ and listening.

EN7HSL, this is JP3JZK, calling you.

GJP3JZK this is N7HSL, good morning. Thank you for calling back.
I’m glad to meet you for the first time.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
My QTH is Seattle Washington. S-E-A-T-T-L-E.
Your signal is 57. How about my signal over there?
JP3JZK, this is N7HSL, go ahead.

EN7HSL, this is JP3JZK. Good morning, Greg san.
Nice to meet you for the first time, too.
My name is Erii. E-R-I-I.
My QTH is Kobe. K-O-B-E.
Your signal is 59 with a little QRM.
So, back to you. N7HSL, this is JP3JZK, go ahead.

GThank you for the 59 signal report, Erii san.
I’m using an IC-7851 and a two element, dual band Yagi up about 14 meters above the ground.
By the way, it has been raining since this morning in Seattle.
The temperature is 15 degrees C.
It’s a little cold today. How is the weather over there in Kobe?
Go ahead.

EThank you for the information about your rig and antenna, Greg san. You have a very nice radio.
I’m using an IC-7300M, putting out 50 watts. The antenna is a ground plane about 15 meters above the ground.
It’s gloomy outside in Kobe. The temperature is 33 degrees C. It’s hot and humid.
N7HSL, this is JP3JZK, go ahead.

GOK, JP3JZK, this is N7HSL.
Thank you for the nice QSO, Erii san.
I hope to see you again. 88 and sayonara.

EThank you for the nice QSO today.
I was glad to talk to you, even for a short time.
I hope to see you again. 73 and sayonara.

MIs this frequency in use? JH1CBX.

Is this frequency in use? JH1CBX.

CQ DX, CQ DX, CQ DX, this is JH1CBX J-H-1-C-B-X, calling CQ and standing by.

GJH1CBX, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L, calling you.

MN7HSL, this is JH1CBX. Good afternoon.
I’m glad to meet you for the first time.
My name is Masaco. M-A-S-A-C-O.
My QTH is Tokyo. T-O-K-Y-O.
Your signal is 57. There is some QRM, but I can copy you well.
N7HSL, this is JH1CBX, go ahead.

GJH1CBX, Masaco san in Tokyo, this is N7HSL.
OK, very good. Thank you for coming back to my call.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
My QTH is Seattle Washington. S-E-A-T-T-L-E.
Your signal is 57. So, back to you, go ahead.

MN7HSL this is JH1CBX. Thank you for the 57 signal report, Greg san.
I’m using an IC-7100M and a two element, tri-band Yagi up about 20 meters above the ground.
What’s your rig and antenna, Greg san, go ahead.

GThank you for the information about your rig and antenna.
I’m using an IC-7851 and a two element, dual band Yagiup about 14 meters above the ground, go ahead.

MThank you for the information about your rig and antenna, Greg. San.
You have a very nice radio.
By the way, it’s fine today in Tokyo, but it’s windy.
The temperature is 28 degrees C.
How is the weather over there? Go ahead.

GIt’s fine today in Seattle too. The temperature is 25 degrees C.
The weather is very nice. Go ahead.

MN7HSL this is JH1CBX.
I'd like to go to Seattle someday, Greg san.
I won’t keep you for a long time because there are a lot of stations that want to contact me. 
Thank you for the nice QSO today.
See you again in the near future.
N7HSL, this is JH1CBX. 73, Sayonara.

GThank you also for the nice QSO, Masaco san.
I was glad to talk to you today.
I hope to see you again. 88 and sayonara.




GCQ, CQ, CQ, this is N7HSL. N-7-H-S-L, calling CQ and listening.

AN7HSL, this is JL3ZGL. J-L-3-Z-G-L, calling you.

GJP3ZGL this is N7HSL.Thank you for calling back.
My name is Greg. G-R-E-G.
My QTH is Seattle Washington. S-E-A-T-T-L-E.
Your signal is 55.
JP3ZGL, this is N7HSL, go ahead.

AN7HSL. this is JL3ZGL.
Nice to meet you for the first time, Greg san.
This is a club station.
The name is the FB Girls Radio Club.
The operator is Akari, A-K-A-R-I.
My personal call sign is JP3KGT.
Our QTH is Osaka in Japan. O-S-A-K-A.
Your signal is 59. You are coming in like a local station.
So, back to you. N7HSL, this is JL3ZGL, go ahead.

GThank you for the 59 signal report, Akari san.
By the way, what kind of club is the FB Girls Radio Club?
Go ahead.

AThe FB Girls Radio Club is the club for the "Monthly FB NEWS", which is an online web magazine.
Our members are mainly girls who are staff members of the FB NEWS.
Now, our club has 6 members.
The club was started in 2016. Go ahead.

GOK, Akari san.
I’m using an IC-7851 and a two element, dual band Yagi up about 14 meters above the ground, go ahead.

AThank you for the information about your rig and antenna, Greg san.
I’m using an IC-7300M, putting out 50 watts. The antenna is a ground plane about 6 meters above the ground.
I’ll say 73, because I have to go to work very soon.
See you again in the near future, Greg san.
N7HSL, this is JL3ZGL. 73, sayonara.

GJL3ZGL, this is N7HSL.
OK, Akari san, I understand you have to go to work soon.
So, I’ll say 88 now.  Thank you for the nice QSO today.
I hope to see you again. Sayonara, Akari san.

AN7HSL, this is JL3ZGL, signing off, and going QRT.

あーちゃんはThe FB NEWSの「The」をちゃんと「ヂ」と発音できていました。また、「Z」は「ズィ」と発音しますが、アマチュア無線では「ゼッ(ト)」でもOK。後者の方が聞き取りやすいからです。

Masaco&FB Girlsの目指せバイリンガル ~英語でQSO~ バックナンバー


次号は 12月 1日(木) に公開予定


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