Report from Thailand

E21EIC inducted into CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame

Writer: E21EIC, Champ C. Muangamphun


The control of the outbreak of corona virus or COVID-19 by the Thai authorities went well. For the last three weeks, there have been less than ten new COVID-19 cases per day. Most of the new infected people are those who traveled back from a foreign pilgrimage only. The Thai government therefore began to relax the lock down measures. Various businesses have started from mid-May onwards, but still the number of people using the service are limited The government still does not allow people to move or travel across the province. Also, they reduce the CURFEW announcement time from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. As for the airspace in Thailand, closing time is extended to June 30th, 2020. For the association's activities, the May meeting is still suspended.

The Thailand's regulator, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has issued a special callsign to RAST, which is “E2STAYHOME.” The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of H.M. The King (RAST) will be operating using this callsign on all bands and in all modes from May 2nd to July 15th, 2020. To participate in the campaign, stay at home, turn on the radio, stop the infection for ourselves, and join with the international community in STAYHOME.

RAST president, Jack, HS1FVL was on 20 m to kick-off the special event while Champ, E21EIC with his wife JC, E20NKB handed out the very first QSOs with OH2STAYHOME (OH2BH op)

The members of the association will together operate the call sign E2STAYHOME. We have managed in the Chatting Group, in which we have about 80 operators in all regions of Thailand and schedule online broadcasting in Google Document. This online schedule is set to prevent the redundant broadcast in the same mode and frequency.

Schedule online broadcasting in Google Document managed by HS6MYW

2 Meter SSTV

E2STAYHOME via Amateur Satellite IO-86 by E24KHS 2nd operator.

E2STAYHOME operated by E25ETT
E2STAYHOME QSL via E21EIC (QSL Card will be sent to all via Bureau and LoTW) after going QRT

E21EIC inducted into CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame

As the Secretary of RAST, Champ Muangamphun, E21EIC has been inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame, which honors those individuals who have made significant contributions either to amateur radio, to their professional careers, or to some other aspects of life.

Zorro JH1AJT and Champ E21EIC

The CQ Magazine USA website (, DX World website (, and the Southgate website ( announced this on May 16th, 2020 with the following explanation:

“Champ Muangamphun, E21EIC is a DXer and DXpeditioner who has been a sparkplug for growing interest in ham radio in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia; Champ also accompanies JH1AJT on many of his humanitarian missions and operates DXpedition-style ham stations while Zorro works with government officials and non-governmental organizations on behalf of the Foundation for Global Children.”

Zorro, JH1AJT, was also among the 2020 Amateur Radio Hall of Fame inductees, which totaled seven amateur radio operators, including four silent keys. This brings to the total number of 333 members inducted since the hall's establishment in 2001.

RAST was sincerely congratulate me on attaining this honor and on my long-term support for the society as RAST Secretary and QSL Bureau Manager. This is an outstanding achievement.


For amateur radio operators worldwide, social distancing is not an issue. Our ham radio network of radio-wave signals flies high and wide, across all borders near and far. Amateur radio operators are well-known for their communication on skills during the happy days, but also during times of crisis. Even if ham radio operators are now confined to their homes, they are encouraged to communicate, to enhance their friendships, and to keep their minds and skills sharp for global messaging whenever needed.

73 Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA
President, International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)

“Amateur Radio operators across the world are experiencing something we have never seen before with the current COVID-19 Pandemic. In times like this on the air activities can benefit our communities and ourselves. On the air events such as this one are important to improve your operating skills. It is also encouraging us to get on the air and keep active as well as promoting social distancing. I thank all participating operators in this event and am grateful to the national regulators in many countries who have made a number of special calls available for use by amateurs.”

To bring this global group of some 3 million radio amateurs together, to have them greet each other, and to enhance their sense of global companionship. The format of this event is similar to that used in their competitive events, and the best efforts are also recognized with an appropriate award program.

The Finnish Amateur Radio League, (SRAL) in cooperation with Araucaria DX Group (ADXG) of Brazil and Radio Arcala, OH8X of Finland invite you cordially to join them in to a global special event featuring their STAYHOME campaign and its radio activity as follows:

June 6th to 7th, 2020, 10:00 UTC Saturday – 09:59 UTC Sunday

■ BANDS: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters


1) STAYHOME stations. The suffix must be STAYHOME.
A suffix such as STAY, HOME, or STAYHOM may be used in case STAYHOME cannot be issued by the local telecom authorities.
The following call signs are also accepted:5W1STAYSAFE and W2I/STAYHOME
2) NON-STAYHOME stations: All other stations with their regular suffix.

1) Single operator, both in STAYHOME and NON-STAYHOME categories:
A: Single mode CW, or SSB, or Digital
B: Multi mode CW/SSB/Digital
2) Team category, of up to three same STAYHOME stations; each on a single mode, using the same call sign. Stations can be in multiple locations and multiple operators are allowed at each station assuming they honor the local distancing recommendations.
3) All participants must operate within the power limits and other conditions corresponding to their license in their respective country.

Please use CQ STAYHOME (SSB) and TEST SH (CW) because there are other contests going on at the same time.

59(9) and the AGE (years) of the operator. Ladies can use 00. If you do not want to tell your age, please use 99.

DX-Cluster and Reverse Beacon Network are permitted. Self-spotting is not allowed. Remotely operated stations are allowed.

1) STAYHOME STATIONS: The total number of valid contacts.
2) NON-STAYHOME STATIONS: Each valid QSO gives 1 point. Stations can be worked once on each mode and band = max 15 QSOs. There are two types of multipliers:
a) Number of DXCC countries worked, regardless of band and mode.
b) Number of different STAYHOME call signs worked, regardless of band and mode.

Date, UTC time, band, sent and received messages are needed. Cabrillo is preferred but ADIF files are also accepted. FT8 generated ADIF files are acceptable.

The operator's age should be included both in the sent and in the received messages, e.g. 599 73. Please check that your transmitted message (with age) also went into your log. If not, add your age in the SOAPBOX or comments of the log. Logs received without received age are welcome and count as support logs.

The only contest using age is the All Asian Contest and can also be used here. In Win-test, All Asian accepts both modes (CW/SSB)

You may use any other software where age can be included in the messages. For example, CQ WW DX Contest format can be used, replacing the zone number by age. Submitted logs for three modes can be separate. Please forget about the scoring (see below). If your program adds a leading zero to your age, that is OK.

Since none of the existing software can score the logs, leave it up to the organizers to do this.

Send your log to The deadline is 7 days after the end of the contest.

The STAYHOME stations making more than 1000 QSOs will receive an online certificate (all operators). The best NON-STAYHOME scores in each continent receive a plaque. The top 30 multi-mode scores, top 5 single mode scores on each mode, and top 3 scores of each continent will receive an online certificate. The same group of sixty-three (63) scores will participate the grand prize lottery.

Questions and comments: Contact Ville, OH2MM/PY2ZEA email:
73, E21EIC, KO8SCA, OH2BH, OH2MM and PY5EG

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