Report from Thailand
E2HQ RAST-Headquarter, Spirit of the 2020 IARU HF World Championship
Installation of E24EZ, The first DMR Repeater in Thailand
E2HQ RAST-Headquarter, Spirit of the 2020 IARU HF World Championship
Writer: Nattnee Bun Vichitcheep, E25KAE
IARU HF World Championship on the July 11th and 12th, 2020 was an interesting competition that gathered amateur radio operators from different countries. They participated in the competition on behalf of the HQ stations of each country.
Radio Amateur Society of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of H.M. The King. (RAST) attends every time by using the call sign E2HQ. This is a good opportunity that we have more new hams (Rookies) to participate in the competition every year.
The IARU HF World Championship 2020 has just finished but the Thai ham operators are still buzzing with excitement of the post-event. Overall, the weather conditions over South East Asia were mediocre with some light shower during the night and an overcast sky on the second day. Band openings were not the best, but good enough to work through.
The E2HQ team consists of 5 stations, spread out over 4 locations across Thailand:
● 15 m SSB CW and 20 m SSB CW:
● 20 m SSB 2nd station:
Rayong Province: HS2UPR, E20YTI, HS2XNV
● 40 m SSB:
Chanthaburi Province: E25ETT
Portable 18 m Crank-up for Emergency Communication
The majority of the E2HQ team was stationed at HS5NMF home ground in MuakLek, Saraburi province to be a witness the highlight of the contest: the HF Portable Station developed by E23NEZ, which won the first place for Emergency Communication Innovation Award by the NBTC in the 5th Annual Amateur Radio day in 2019. This portable station was connected to a C-3s antenna for 20, 15, 10 m, and a 40 m rotary dipole for SSB operation. A second station nearby was hooked up to a 15 m Yagi, and a 40 m dipole specifically for CW operation.
HS5NMF’s Farm in MuakLek, Saraburi
This contest drew together both the experienced ham operators and the younger rookies who had just obtained their intermediate licenses earlier on this year before the COVID-19 started. Many new HF operators got the chance to learn how to set up a portable station, how to deal with unexpected equipment failure, as well as they had an experience to go on the air for the first time to see how vastly difference HF is from VHF; and of course, under the contest mode, they also learned how to deal with the nerves and the adrenaline rush that accompanied with every contact made.
Antennas setup
C-3S and 40 m Rotary Dipole at 18 mH.
The main objective of this event went far more than just hunting for QSOs and chasing down multipliers, but to introduce and inspire the younger generations to be more curious, more open-minded, and more thirst for knowledge. The goal has always been to drive their passion further so that it takes roots in their hearts. No matter how much we have succeeded to plant the seeds during this event, no effort is ever too much. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience filled with good memories and companionship, and hopefully one that will set paths for the newcomers to become more well-rounded HF HAM operators in all the years to come. We look forward to hearing them on the band, and perhaps one day they can take this hobby further than we ever could.
15 m 4-EL Yagi at 9 mH.
This year E2HQ can reach a total of 1,400 QSOs with 8.3 hundred thousand points, even though our scores were not as diverse as many years ago. Our team was happy, had fun to learn, and participated spiritually internationally. In addition, we have passed on the knowledge to the new generation of ham.
HS0ONI, E23NEZ, E22UYH (left), HS5NMF (right)
E25GGT, E25ABK, E24PCN (left), E20EHQ and E25KAE (right)
E2HQ MuakLek, Saraburi
E2HQ 40 m SSB by E25ETT
HS2UPR, HS2XNV, E20YTI (left), E2HQ 20 m SSB 2nd Station: E20YTI and HS2UPR (right)
Installation of E24EZ, The first DMR Repeater in Thailand
Writer: Champ C Muangamphun, E21EIC
Radio Amateur Society of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of H.M. The King. (RAST) received support from the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) to install a repeater system Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) for use in the amateur radio.
HS0AC station at Rajapruk University, Nonthaburi
On June 28th, 2020 Radio Amateur Society of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of H.M. The King., led by HS1FVL, the president of RAST, installed 8 folded dipole antennas at 18 meters of Tower height on a 6-story building. The members included followings: HS5NMF, HS1JNB, HS0KRM, E23NEZ, E21FYK, E25ABK, HS4HLW, E29TGW, E24OYI, HS6NDK, HS6MYW, HS7BHK, HS8JCV, E24YUJ, E20NKB and E21EIC.
The antennas were installed at HS0AC station, Rajapruk University, Nonthaburi Province, with the repeater station callsign E24EZ.
Team work: (left to right) E21FYK, E20NKB, E29TGW, E25ABK, HS5NMF, HS0KRM, E24OYI, HS6MYW, E23NEZ, HS7BHK, and HS6NDK
The repeater is a MOTOROLA SLR5300 with 50 watts of power with gravity filters to prevent disturbances. To set up the system, we got help from HS8JCV and E24YUJ using the frequency 146.6250 MHz (Dup -600 Hz) DMR Repeater CC: 1 TS: 1 TG52002.
HS4HLW and HS1JNB installing an antenna
Folded Dipole 8 Stacks on the sky
E24EZ DMR repeater at HS0AC now ready
Gravity filters (left), MOTOROLA SLR5300 (right)
After installation we tested the signal through the DMR Repeater by using the callsign E2STAYHOME, operated by HS6MYW as a net operator, and made contacts with 28 stations from all over the country.
Report from Thailand backnumber
- N5J Jarvis Island DXpedition 2024
- Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse Elected as RAST Honorary Advisory Chairman, RAST Organized E2QRP for 2024 IARU QRP Day, etc.
- Recap from 5 years ago, Vivacharawongse Visited HSØAB, US FCC Amateur Radio License Examination
- RAST Celebrated its 60th Anniversary and Held 2023 AGM in Saraburi Province
- Krabi ARDF 2024 for HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Royal Cup
- E20AX/P IOTA DXpedition to Lipe Island (AS-126)
- December YOTA Month in Thailand
- CQ World Wide DX Contest from Thailand
- IARU R3 YOTA Camp Pattaya, Thailand
- Dxpeditions, US FCC Examination, CQ World Wide DX Contest 2023, etc.
- JA Hams visited E20AX Club Station
- World Radiosport Team Championship WRTC 2022 (2023) Bologna, Italy, 4-11 July 2023
- Friedrichshafen Ham Radio Fair 2023
- Parks on the Air in Thailand
- RAST on The Beach 4
- Fred Laun K3ZO Silent Key (Part II) A great loss for amateur radio
- Fred Laun K3ZO Silent Key (Part I) A great loss for amateur radio
- HF Amateur Radio Seminars Hosted by RAST and NBTC BW/E25KAE, The First Thai HAM Operator in Taiwan
- CQ World-Wide DX Contest SSB & CW 2022 from Ban Ta Bong (The Center of the World)
- POTA Activations in Thailand by JJ1DQR,
Advanced Class Examination for Thai Amateur Radio Licenses - HS3NBR/p Maeo Island IOTA AS-145,
16th – 19th September 2022 - JARL HAM FAIR 2022
- Inmemoriam to the former RAST President Mayuree Chotikul, HS1YL,
US FCC Amateur Radio License Examination in Thailand, etc. - 45th International Amateur Radio Exhibition in Germany“HAM RADIO FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 2022”
- E20AX/P Mini-IOTA DXpedition to Samet Island (AS-107)
- Easing of Travel Restrictions for Visitors Entering Thailand,
Tribute to Franz Langner, DJ9ZB and Roger Western, G3SXW - RAST held its General Annual Meeting, May you rest in peace JH1AJT and W7LR
- RAST Annual General Meeting, March 20, 2022
- The First Intermediate License Examination Since COVID-19 Outbreak
- E20AX/p IOTA DXpedition to Chang Island (AS-125)
- CQ World Wide DX Contest CW 2021 from Thailand
- CQ World Wide DX Contest SSB 2021 from Thailand
- The 18th IARU Region 3 Virtual Conference was a success
- Celebrating 400th anniversary of trade relationship between Denmark & Thailand, etc.
- E2HQ RAST Headquarter 2021, etc.
- RAST will host the IARU Region 3 Conference 2021 online in September, etc.
- RAST Talks, RAST CW Challenge Results
- RAST held AGM meeting and hosted New Year Party, NARIT Astro Fest 2021
- RAST CW Challenge
- KMUTNB and RAST welcome Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation & other news.
- FCC Amateur Radio License Exam, RAST Donated a Tower to Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary,Installation of 2EL Quad at E24OYI
- RAST HF-101, November RAST meeting
- NBTC and RAST presented the callsign HS10A to His Majesty the King
- RAST hosts August meeting at an open-air restaurant
US FCC Amateur Radio License Examination at KMITL, Bangkok, Thailand - E2HQ RAST-Headquarter, Spirit of the 2020 IARU HF World Championship
Installation of E24EZ, The first DMR Repeater in Thailand - Global COVID-19 “STAYHOME” Radio Communication Event was a great success
- E2STAYHOME, RAST COVID-19 Special Event
E21EIC inducted into CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame
COVID-19 RADIO COMMUNICATION EVENT - The E21EIC Station Antenna System Improved for Competition
- RAST Annual General Meeting
April RAST meeting cancelled, YOTA event is postponed - RAST installs IGATEs to expand the APRS network in Thailand
- First US FCC Amateur Radio License Examination in 2020
- Thailand Amateur Radio Day 2019