Report from Thailand

Global COVID-19 “STAYHOME” Radio Communication Event was a great success

Writer: E21EIC, Champ C. Muangamphun

The June 6th–7th COVID-19 “STAYHOME” Radio Communication Event was a “great success,” its sponsors said, with more than 6,000 participants worldwide. The number of logs submitted by June 12th exceeded 800, with more arriving ahead of the June 15 deadline. Stations in more than 120 countries participated, and STAYHOME-suffix stations in Finland logged some 132,000 contacts.


“As the COVID-19 pandemic is in different phases in different countries, this is not the finish of the STAYHOME campaign, as only parts of Europe and North America are slowly taking steps towards a normal life,” the events sponsors said. A final report for the early-June event will be released in a few weeks, followed by a prize lottery. “The COVID-19 Radio Communication Event was a global virtual amateur radio gathering, passing well-being messages among radio operators worldwide, thus sharing the airwaves during this unfortunate global pandemic and promoting a sense of belonging and mental health,” the event organizers concluded.

Niko, OH2GEK op OH2STAYHOME from the OH2BH station.

STAYHOME category was won by ZW5STAYHOMNE team headed by Oms, PY5EG with 4,050 QSOs, followed by OH2STAYHOME team headed by young op OH2GEK, 34 years old with 3,768 QSOs and Asia E2STAYHOME by E21EIC 660 QSOs (Life is not easy volume wise in AS).

Oms PY5EG and Peter PY5CC op ZW5STAYHOME on FT8

About W2I/STAYHOME, isn’t it wonderful that we had STAYHOMES delighting the lives in all continents? THE NEW TRAINING OF NEW YORK AIR SIGNALM MAMMOTH W2I/STAYHOME A group of four young NYCDXA operators - New York City DX Association (, Chris KE2A, Alain K1FM, Jason WF2N, and Neil N5EIL operated for 24 hours as W2/STAYHOME from a remote station located in the easternmost city in the USA, Eastport, ME over the weekend of June 6th and 7th, 2020.

The team thanks RHR team and Ray Higgins, W2RE, for sponsoring this event and for allowing young operators to access the station to support this unique event, which would otherwise be difficult to do in their apartments in the city from New York.

The young team added an extra high-tech touch to the operation, setting up a server for live updates on ClubLog and real-time broadcast on YouTube.

W8I/STAYSAFE ended with 1641 QSOs (+/-). We had 6 ops at 5 stations, but 4 of the 6 were on only for a bit here-and-there, including some FT8. At the opening bell we had 5/4, but WX3B worked us and then joined a little later for an hour or two. Every little bit helps.

Ops: K3ZJ K2GO N3QE W4RN WX3B K3TN. K2GO operated W4RN remotely from Inchon, S. Korea, while in 14-day quarantine.

STATIONS: Although our stations are in three states (K3ZJ is in WV, W4RN in VA, and N3QE, K3TN and WX3B in MD), we all are within a 73-km circle. (The stations most distant from each other, K3ZJ and WX3B, are 145 km apart.)

MARKET REEF, OJØA/OJØJR was active as part of the COVID-19 event. Henri, OH3JR landed on the rocks the Friday before the event and, without further ado, he hosted a variety of wires to make QRV the OJØA call code as a multiplier in CW, SSB and FT8. Lots of things needed to fit in for OJ0A to appear from the sea-plated lighthouse.

Henri OH3JR/OJ0JR op OJ0A in “STAYHOME” Radio Communication Event

We operated with the call sign ZW5STAYHOME with three different teams.
CW TEAM – PY2NDX (Rafa) PY2YU (Tom) and PY2ZEA (Ville)
SSB TEAM – PY2LED (Fernando) PY2DY (Tony) and PY2PT (Ricardo)
DIGITAL – PY5EG (Oms) PY5CC(Peter)It was a total of 4032 QSOs, 119 countries, and 36 zones as shown below.


Ville PY2ZEA/OH2MM op ZW5STAYHOME on CW from PS2T station

9M2ZAK, Team Malaysia 9M4STAYHOME:
The Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters’ Society (MARTS) has been issued the special event callsign 9M4STAYHOME to support and promote social distancing and encouraging people to stay within their homes to prevent the spread of Covid-19. We were very grateful to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in supporting this initiative. This station has been activated since May 12th, 2020 until August 11th, 2020, and MARTS has entrusted Nazmi Julaini (9M2MDX) to manage this historic and memorable event. 9M4STAYHOME made a total of 230 QSOs.

9M4STAYHOME main operators:

Zaki 9M2ZAK op 9M4STAYHOME on CW


Mul, 9W6MUL op 9M4STAYHOME on FT8

E21EIC, Team Thailand E2STAYHOME:
Our team include 3 people: E29TGW operated in CW mode, E24OYI operated in FT8 and myself E21EIC in SSB mode. The weather condition was not so good. It was raining most of the time until the evening. We had to stop operating once but we were trying to do our best within 24 hours period of the contest. E2STAYHOME made a total of 660 QSOs with 69 countries and 182 QSOs with Japan.

Champ, E21EIC op E2STAYHOME on SSB


Tony, E24OYI op E2STAYHOME on FT8

“STAYHOME” Radio Communication Event Sponsors included the Finnish Amateur Radio League, the Araucaria DX Group, and Radio Arcala OH8X.

Report from Thailand backnumber

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