Report from Thailand

FCC Amateur Radio License Exam.
RAST Donated a Tower to Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary.
Installation of 2EL Quad at E24OYI.

Champ C Muangamphun, E21EIC

FCC Amateur Radio License Exam

Thai VE Team and Candidates

As the first weekend of December of 2020 was a long public holiday, coupled with the need to take social distancing into consideration with the arrival of the second wave of COVID-19 infection in Thailand, it was deemed necessary to cancel the monthly meeting held by Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King (RAST), as well as the new year party that had originally been scheduled for January 2021.

RAST President, HS1FVL/AF1VL introduced FCC Amateur Radio License Exam

FCC Exam time

The 4th and final round of US FCC Amateur Radio Examination in Thailand for 2020 was held on 19th December 2020 at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. 25 Volunteer Examiners (VE) of RAST’s Thai VE Team were present to ensure the smooth running of the operation. As per the government’s guideline, everybody including the exam candidates were pre-screened for COVID-19 with a thermo-scanner to minimise the risk of infection.

E21EIC/KY1A VE team Liaison Present CSCEs

This session saw a total of 24 candidates, 15 of whom passed the examination that day: 6 Technician Class, 5 General Class, and 4 Extra Class. Those who have passed the General or Extra Class can use their newly obtained FCC Licenses to upgrade their respective Thai Amateur Radio License to Intermediate or Advanced level accordingly.

RAST Donated a Tower to Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary

RAST team with Forest officers

Dan HS0KRN and Nikorn HS5NMF

On 26th December 2020, the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King (RAST), donated a 24-inch tower in 30 sections that was deconstructed from HS0AC station as well as transceivers and other telecommunication equipment to Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, a World Heritage Site, and Khao Nang Rum Wildlife Research Station in Lan Sak District, Uthai Thani. The ceremony was carried out by RAST representatives including HS5NMF, HS0KRM, E22UYH and others. RAST recognises the importance of utilising the currently available resources to maximise social benefits, particularly for wildlife conservation and environmental protection. Equipped with these equipments, RAST hopes that the Huai Kha Khaeng sanctuary will remain a thriving habitatto all species and offer the needed protection to conserve the biodiversity.

Tower paint


Installation of 2EL Quad at E24OYI

When talking about the King of Antenna, our thoughts automatically go to a strange looking square-shaped object that does not mind so much about the height, yet can still achieve relatively low noise and high gain – the QUAD antenna!

Antenna installing

It was time to upgrade Tony’s E24OYI station in the suburb of Bangkok who decided to change from Yagi to Quad antenna with the help of HS1JNB, HS3NBR, E29TGW, E25KAE, E20NKB and E21EIC.

E25KAE and E29TGW making coax cables

In the morning of 9th January 2021, we began to assemble the antenna. These quad antennas are not small! Due to space limitations, we relied on the use of a 10m telescopic pole to lift the antenna slightly off the ground to help with the assembly process.

Status Quad from Italy is up on the Tower

Because we were all amateurs, it took us the entire day to complete the assembly. Meanwhile, the professional tower climbing team managed to bring down all the original Yagi antennas in a very short amount of time.

The Gang

E24OYI’s shack

The next morning, on 10th January 2021, the same team worked on matching the Quad antenna on all bands and performed some final checks to make sure everything is as good as it can be. The actual installation on the tower took place in the early evening. The professionals orchestrated the entire event and directed us amateur folks to hold the guide ropes. We were responsible for steering the antenna away from structural objects (such as balcony and roof!) and to make sure that the 2EL Quad were well-balanced on either side as it soared through the air towards the tower. By night time, with a great sigh of relief, the installation was successful and with perfect matching! This was indeed confirmed by the giant smile plastered on E24OYI’s face – the new proud owner of 2EL Quad antenna in Thailand.

Report from Thailand backnumber

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